Alaska Videos & Maps


⏳ Jun – Jul 2017


Pigeon Guillemot taking flight

"Once common across North America, by the 1950s bald eagle populations had plummeted to an estimated 412 nesting pairs in the United States. Their decline was attributed to several factors, including use of the pesticide DDT, which caused thinning in their eggshells and interfered with reproduction. New regulations, including a ban on DDT, helped the species rebound. In 2007 the bald eagle was officially removed from the list of endangered and threatened species, marking the end of a long recovery. It continues to be protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act."

Walking Bald Eagle in Auke Bay

Humpback Whales in Stephens Passage

Red Squirrel at Mount Roberts


Squirrel on a tree platform singing like a bird


Glacier Bay National Park  

Misty Tranquility at Johns Hopkins Glacier

Margerie Glacier Calving

Vancouver & Squamish

Sea cruise

Alaska land


⏳ Jun – Jul 2017